Pour plus d'informations :

Karen Haines
Adjointe administrative
Association des chefs de police des Premières Nations
c/o Manitoba First Nations Police Service

Tél. : (204) 856-5370
Courriel : [email protected]



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Photos for online training course

1 Posts
1 Utilisateurs
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As you know, the FNCPA has redeveloped the online training course for MRP. We  would like to include photos from a range of FNCPA member police services in the introduction. We searched and found public, online photos on FNCPA member websites and social media depicting officers performing various duties and are requesting permission to include them in the slideshow in the MRP Course Introduction. 
Please review the photos and advise Kateri Akiwenzie-Damm (@fncpa.ca">mrpc@fncpa.ca) if there are any concerns with specific photos. The photos will be used only in this context (within a slideshow for the course Introduction). We are not seeking permission for any other use by the FNCPA and will note in the course that photos may not be used without written permission.
Posté : 27/01/2020 10:33 am
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